
This is where you can discover & explore all Centerpoint Church events! This page is categorized by "All Events" and "Serve Projects". Easily browse through all of the events we have going on by clicking on the corresponding tabs! We can't wait to serve and connect with you!
Sunday | June 2 | 9am + 11am
144 Consumer Center Dr
Honor is our posture! We will honor all of our high school seniors on Graduation Sunday, June 2nd during both of our services. Sign up your senior by using the link below.
Sign Up Now
Team Night
Sunday | April 3rd
6pm - 8pm
Team Night is happening THIS Sunday and you’re invited! Food, fun, merch giveaways and more all for you! Team Night is a gathering with all of our pastors, staff, leaders and volunteers at both campuses to connect, laugh and grow together. Even if you’re not on the team yet this is a great opportunity to learn more about the heart of our house while exploring how to take a next step. Make plans to join us and we can’t wait to see you!

144 Consumer Center Drive | Chillicothe
107 North Court Street | Circleville
FREE childcare available
Third Semester Small Groups
Semester Start Date: September 10th
Our word for the year at Centerpoint is FREEDOM and it’s time to take your next step! During our fall semester we will host Freedom Groups. These weekly groups are designed to equip you to live the victorious and abundant life that Christ came to give you. Freedom Groups build on the foundation of your faith in Christ to help you embrace the truth of God’s Word as it relates to your worldview, your past, your sin, your personal value to God, and your purpose in His Kingdom.
Prayer Day | 8:30am
Serve Saturday | 9:30am
Every First Saturday | 144 Consumer Center Drive
We believe in the power of prayer! Join us as we gather to pray and spend time in communion with God, together. Then join us for Serve Saturday immediately following our time of prayer!
21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
January 7th - January 28th

Corporate Prayer Days
Saturday | January 13th | January 20th at 8:30am
Thursday | January 25th at 12pm
144 Consumer Center Drive

We believe in the power of prayer! During this 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting, we wanted to give everyone an opportunity to join TOGETHER as one family and spend time in communion with God. Join us for these Prayer Days as we lift our requests and praises to Him!
Saturday | July 13th | 12pm
Meet at the YMCA | 100 Mill Street
Love is our action! Join us as we serve our community and help everyone cool off with a popsicle in the park!
CPY Small Groups
Sunday | September 1, 8, 15, 22 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
144 Consumer Center Drive
Join us for CPY Small Groups every Sunday evening that we do not have Youth Night. The purpose of these small groups is to grow deeper in relationship with Jesus and each other!
Welcome Home Sunday
Sunday | September 15th | 9am + 11am
144 Consumer Center Drive
Welcome Home Sunday is an annual reunion where we welcome everyone back to the family! The parking lot will be turned into party central after both services with hot eats, cool treats, inflatables, games and good times for everybody! Maybe it’s been a while since we’ve seen you, maybe you’ve never visited or maybe you’re already part of the family. No matter who you are, and where you’ve been, you belong here and we can’t wait to welcome you home as we celebrate fifteen years of life change at Centerpoint Church!
Monday | September 9th + 23rd | 5:00pm
Volunteer any time starting at 3:00pm
144 Consumer Center Dr
Love is our ACTION!!! Starting at 5:00pm at Centerpoint Church, we will partner with our friends at Chillicothe First Assembly and Hope Clinic to provide food to those in need. We will have a low-contact drive-thru in front of the building where we will distribute food as everyone remains in their vehicle. If you know anyone who needs FREE groceries please help us spread the word.
Starting Sunday September 22nd | 9am + 11am
144 Consumer Center Dr
We all want to live our life with freedom, but it is the TRUTH that will set us free. In a world that is more confused than ever, the truth has never been harder to see. If we want to live with freedom, we have to know the truth. You shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall set you FREE. John 8:32 This year, we will navigate twelve challenging topics and explore what God’s Word says about each.
Plan Your Visit
Sunday | September 22
Following the 11am service | Lunch will be provided
Here, you will meet some of our Pastors, staff and leaders, hear the Centerpoint story, and learn what it means to join the Centerpoint family and play your part. We believe love isn’t something to say as much as it’s an action to express. If you are looking to get more connected, plan to join us!
Wednesdays | Sept 25 + Oct 2, 9, 16 | 7:00-8:30pm
No Childcare Provided | 144 Consumer Center Dr
We will be hosting Truth Nights for those who want to dig deeper into the truth topics we learn about on the weekends. All you have to do is show up! We can’t wait to learn and grow TOGETHER!
Sunday | September 29th
During services at 9am + 11am!
We believe baptism is an outward expression of an inward commitment, and we encourage everyone who has said YES to Jesus to be baptized! At Centerpoint, we baptize people by immersion in water just like we see John the Baptist do with Jesus in Matthew 3:13-17. Baptism is a significant moment in the life of a believer and one we celebrate as a church family TOGETHER!
Baptism Sign-Up
Youth Night
Sunday | September 29th | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Paints Stadium | 17273 St. Rt. 104
Join us for a night packed with fun for those grades 6-12th. There will be food, games and a night for community and connection. Youth, you won't want to miss this!