WATCH ONLINEJOIN US SUNDAYSChristmas at CenterpointJOIN US SUNDAYSJOIN US SUNDAYSWatch OnlineWATCH A SERMONEaster at CenterpointJOIN US SUNDAYSJOIN US SUNDAYSExplore upcoming events in our Centerpoint App!Explore EventsWE EXIST TO TRANSFORM THE FORGOTTEN CITIES IN OHIO WITH THE CRAZY LOVE OF JESUS.TIMES + LOCATIONSMALL GROUPSMERCHJOIN THE TEAMCENTERPOINT KIDSCENTERPOINT YOUTHOUTREACHCare & Counseling RequestGIVEShare Praises & Prayer Requests with us!Share NowFOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM@centerpointlive If we have Jesus, we have everything 💯 Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year a Joy is our choice! We unapologetically believe chu What better way to spend your Sunday than in the h We exist to transform the forgotten cities in Ohio Our last Worship Night of the year was filled with